Saturday, July 5, 2008

Andrea Dodson is a talented vocal performer and we had the pleasure to help her find a gown a few years ago for the statewide high school Spotlight Awards competition at the Los Angeles Music Center. She chose a Mori Lee, royal blue, tulle gown loaded with sparkles. This dress was chosen for it's stage presentation and wowed her audience.

Andrea was afraid the dress would be too fitted in the bodice to sing properly. Our tailor, Marianne, simply patted her shoulder and said "Let's give it a try." Without a skipped beat, Andrea had her queue. You should have heard this fresh faced, high school student let the aria fly in our salon! "It was amazing!" says Marianne, "It brought tears to my eyes, and other patrons stopped to watch also."

We are so proud of Andrea!

We had the pleasure to see her again as a bride this Spring. She looked gorgeous in her gown and her same spirit shines through.

The Dresser, Fullerton